Floor Cracks: Causes and How to Prevent Them For Good

Floor Cracks

Do you have floor cracks in your home? If so, you’re not alone. Floor cracks are a common problem in homes across the country. There are many causes of floor cracks, and they can be difficult to fix. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of floor cracks and how to prevent them from happening in your home.

What are the most common causes of floor cracks in homes?

One of the most common causes of cracks in home floors is settling.

As a house ages and settles into the ground, the weight of the structure can cause cracks to form in the floors.

Often, these cracks will start at the corners of the room and then radiate outwards.

Another common cause of floor cracks is moisture.

If the ground around your home is too wet or if there is a lot of humidity in the air, it can cause the wood in your floors to expand and contract, leading to cracks.

To prevent cracks from forming in your floors, it’s important to keep an eye on moisture levels outside your home.

Be sure to fix any leaks promptly and keep an eye on any areas that seem to be constantly wet.

You can also help to prevent floor cracks by making sure your home is properly supported. If the framing or foundation of your home is weak, it can lead to movement and cracking in the floors.

Make sure your contractor installs proper support beams when your home is being built, and have a professional inspect your home’s foundation on a regular basis.

How To Repair Floor Cracks

One option is to use a floor patching compound to fill in the cracks. This can be a quick and easy fix, but it’s not always permanent.

Another option is to consider foundation repair to stabilize your home and stop cracks from occurring. This will provide a more permanent solution, but it can be costly and time-consuming.

It is important to realize that concrete cracks. Not all cracks mean damage. A rule of thumb is that if the cracks are less than a quarter-inch thick, it’s not a problem.

How do you know if there is movement happening in your home?

Most people are aware that their home is constantly shifting and settling.

This is a natural process that happens as the soil supporting your home adjusts to changes in temperature and moisture.

However, if you notice significant movement or cracks in your walls or foundation, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

In some cases, this could be the result of damage caused by highly active soil.

In other cases, it may be due to degradation of the materials used in your home’s construction.

Foundation damage and floor cracks are also common due to plumbing issues.

If you suspect that your home is suffering from structural damage, it’s important to have a professional evaluation as soon as possible.

For initial diagnosis, we recommend scheduling multiple foundation inspections to identify the problem.

If the damage is extensive, if you are selling your home, or if the foundation reports are all different we recommend hiring a structural engineer to inspect your home.

Be aware, all homes shift and settle, cracking is common within the first 10 years after construction as the house is still settling.

Problems occur when one side of the house settles at a different rate, creating stress in the home, this is called differential settlement.

Tips for keeping your home stable

There are a few things you can do to help keep your home stable and prevent movement over time.

First, make sure that the foundation of your home is in good condition.

If there are cracks or other damage, it’s important to have them repaired as soon as possible, as foundation damage will spread.

Additionally, be sure to keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris and install downspout extensions at least 5 feet from your home. This will help prevent water from pooling around your foundation and causing damage.

We also recommend backfilling any areas around your home where water may pool against the foundation.

Finally, it’s important to regularly inspect the exterior of your home for signs of settling or other movement.

If you notice any changes, be sure to contact a professional for further assessment.

By taking these steps, you can help keep your home stable and prevent serious damage from occurring over time.

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What are the signs that you may need to call a foundation professional?

Foundation problems are not always easy to spot. However, there are a few telltale signs that indicate that your foundation may be in need of repair.

If your foundation floor cracks, doors or windows that are difficult to open or close, or gaps between your floor and the wall, these may be signs of a foundation issue.

Other signs include leaning mailboxes, sagging garage door frames, uneven floors, cracked driveways, and reoccurring cracks.

Additionally, if you notice any water damage in your basement or crawl space, this may also be an indication that your foundation is not as stable as it should be.

If you see any of these signs, it’s important to call a professional for an inspection as soon as possible.

Left unaddressed, foundation problems can lead to serious structural damage.

Our free foundation damage prevention checklist includes damage prevention tips and signs of damage!

How much does foundation repair cost?

The cost of foundation repair varies depending on the severity of the damage and the size of the area that needs to be repaired.

In most cases, homeowners can expect to spend between $3,000 and $5,000 on foundation repair. However, if the damage is extensive, the cost can rise as high as $15,000 or more.

As for results, most foundation repairs are successful in stabilizing the foundation and preventing further damage as long as preventive action is taken as well.

However, it is important to remember that foundations are subject to a great deal of stress and can develop new problems over time.

As a result, it is important to have your foundation inspected on a regular basis to ensure that any new problems are caught early.

Are there any DIY solutions that homeowners can try before calling in a professional, and will these solutions be effective in the long run?

There are a few foundation repair solutions that homeowners can try before calling in a professional.

These solutions include checking the gutters and downspouts to make sure they are clear of debris, making sure the landscaping around the foundation is sloped away from the house, and having the soil around the foundation compacted.

While these solutions may be effective in the short term for preventing additional movement, they will not be able to fix more serious problems with the foundation.

In addition, attempting to repair the foundation yourself can actually make the problem worse.

If you are having problems with your foundation, it is best to call in a professional.


Floor cracks can be a major problem for your home, leading to movement and even foundation damage.

By understanding the causes of floor cracks and taking steps to prevent them, you can keep your home in good condition.

We hope this article has been helpful, and please don’t hesitate to download our free foundation damage prevention checklist!

Seasonal Movement Discount

This month, with all the excessive rain and unpredictable weather your home is likely moving more than ever. Schedule an inspection this May to see how you can stabilize your home and get 10% off your estimate.
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